R.E.P.S 4 U Programs

Visualize and Verbalize Program (Lindamood-Bell)

When I say the word “Turtle” what do you picture? Can you easily picture and describe the size, color, shape, quantity, perspective, background, the sound the turtle makes,  its mood, location etc. We specialize in helping you create and/or hold the images our mind produces when we read words, to aid in comprehension.

  • The Visualizing and Verbalizing® (V/V®) program develops concept imagery—the ability to create an image and images from the English language. This is an Online and In-person training for clients of all ages and levels.

  •  The development of concept imagery improves reading and listening comprehension, memory, oral vocabulary, critical thinking, and writing.

Helps With:

  • Reading comprehension

  • Listening comprehension

  • Critical thinking and problem solving

  • Following directions

  • Memory

  • Oral language expression

  • Written language expression

  • Grasping humor

  • Interpreting social situations

  • Understanding cause and effect

Visit Main Website to learn more: https://lindamoodbell.com/program/visualizing-and-verbalizing-program